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Service Learning FAQS

What is Service Learning?

Simply; to do as Jesus did. Encouraging students to be of service to others is a never-ending and essential part of Catholic education. God invites us to work in the world to foster His purposes. The American Catholic Bishops published a letter identifying three characteristics of quality Catholic education: message, community and service. An effective Catholic educational program proclaims to the students the message of the Gospel - to serve as Jesus did. When students live this message they live in harmony and experience community with one another. Part of our goal with Mission Helpers is to help foster this sense of community, even with those being served. We work with the teachers and the students to help facilitate projects that will provide our children with a nurturing, faith-filled environment at St. Joseph's School. We help them grow in their learning through service. 


Why is Service Learning Important?

Service Learning highlights the reflective element of each service experience. In understanding or learning from the service being offered, children move from simply using their hands or resources to help others into a deeper, age-appropriate level of letting heart, mind and spirit grow from each service opportunity. Using journaling, discussion, reflection, and experiential opportunities can measurably contribute to the learning that happens through the service being offered. It helps shed light on the significance and the impact of living a life filled with compassion and dedication to helping others.


How will Mission Helpers help to incorporate Service Learning?

When each class completes a Mission Helper or FF project, students write a reflection about their service experience.  The reflection process is enhanced as students share their perspectives and ideas. Through this reflection process our students will be more aware of how they are serving their brothers and sisters in Christ!


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