St. Joseph School - Catholic Private School in Fremont, CA

For many years, St. Joseph School has embraced technology as an integral part of educating our students. In the classroom, teachers and students use interactive whiteboards, document cameras, classroom sound systems, laptops, and iPads to facilitate student learning in a number of diverse and engaging ways. Rather than having a separate “computer” curriculum, the use of computers and other interactive devices is integrated into the curriculum wherever it is an appropriate means to enhance student learning. Using our technology resources in this manner allows staff and students in Kindergarten, Elementary, and Junior High to use technology as a tool for effective communication, personal productivity, and lifelong learning.
St. Joseph Technology Resources include:
Interactive White Boards, document cameras, and video projectors in every K-8 classroom
Classroom audio systems are used in all K-8 classrooms for voice reinforcement and presentations
Two mobile laptop carts with housing 20 Apple MacBooks each allow our teachers in grades 1-8 the flexibility needed to include this technology in their instruction whenever needed.
iPads are also integrated into our curriculum. They are utilized for a variety of tasks, from personal planning (homework), note-taking, research, and completing daily homework assignments to creating dynamic multimedia presentations. Students in 6th-8th grades receive their own iPad to use during the school year. In grades K-5, the classrooms provide access to several classroom iPads for shared use by the students.
Our school is continuously evaluating our use of electronic learning tools and adding resources to ensure we are meeting the needs of our students and preparing them to be productive, lifelong learners.
Technology at St. Joseph School is coordinated by our Educational Technology Coordinator, Mr. Neil Sugay. For more information or questions, contact the school office.